Waiting for Democracy to Come to America

Until every American can have the same healthcare the president and all our elected officials enjoy, we do not live in a worthy democracy.

Until all people are protected with the same earnestness shown to wealthy citizens, we do not live in a democracy.

Until all Americans are able to practice their religion, without having someone else’s imposed on them, we do not live in a democracy.

Until every American has the same legal protections and rights that those with means do, we do not live in a democracy.

As long women do not have equality of pay and authority, and the same respect as the most power men, we do not live in a democracy.

Until every American can go to sleep at night in safe shelter without having to worry about their precarious economic situation, about violence from others, or about caring for their children, we do not live in a democracy.

Until all citizens, including our elected officials, are held to the same standards of truth, responsibility, accountability, and transparency as the lowest of us, we do not have a democracy.

Until all income is taxed in the same system as laborers and other workers, without loopholes, evasion, or special categories of reduced rates, we have no democracy.

Until Earth, Sea, and Sky are protected as common resources for us all and kept void of toxins, we do not live in a democracy.

Until we can honestly look at the history of our nation – its successes and failures, honorable and dishonorable actions – with a clear eye toward honest application of our best principles, we will have no constitutional system of democratic government.

Until the press is held to standards of accuracy and truth, free of manipulation by sponsors, propaganda machines, and political bosses, we have little hope for achieving democracy.

Until every citizen has opportunities for the education they desire, we do not live in a democracy.

Until every corporation is held responsible for what happens to ordinary citizens downstream for the outcomes of their processes and products, we do not live in a democracy.

Until every citizen’s vote is actively enabled and counted, we do not have democracy.

Until human beings have the same rights and means as the largest corporations, we do not live in a democracy

What we have instead are empty promises made by an aristocratic elite for whom we ordinary people are but subjects to be exploited for our labor and resources. It is an aristocracy manipulating a capitalistic nightmare where capital is the central value rather than human beings – people being but a means for another’s profit.

For me, a worthy democracy requires equal privileges and rights, enabled participation, and shared responsibilities, with enough compassion to guarantee no one is without the means to live safely.

Perhaps my title – Waiting for Democracy to Come to America – is not adequate. We cannot wait for it. We must demand it, create it every day, expect it, and vote for it in every election, speak for it in every town hall, and remind our elected representatives that we, the people, must be their “special interest.”

9 thoughts on “Waiting for Democracy to Come to America”

  1. Your post is the first article I read this morning. It brought tears to my heart. You are absolutely right. I may never see democracy in my life time, but I have hope. I have hope in sapiens. I have hope in the Devine.

  2. In crazy a time I can count on you to express so succinctly what I am feeling too. Thank you Karl. I feel alone stuck in front my computer on a table in the kitchen. I am glad there is one person of intelligence out there that expresses these thoughts so that I can hold on and get through days of darkness.

  3. Wow Karl! I’d like to submit this as an opinion piece in the Strib on your behalf, it’s so powerfully written. May I?

  4. I appreciate this latest post by Karl, because it is a call for goodness.
    Is it not good, right and just to protect all citizens with equal rights including women, people of color and foreign birth? Is it not goodness to allow all people to worship in whatever manner they wish that does not harm other beings?
    To any people who worship in the Christian, Moslem, Buddhist or any other way; was not the model of your religion a paradigm of goodness? True justice promotes goodness and the welfare of the nation’s depends on promoting, legislating and exercising goodness.
    I also lament that in the wealthiest of nations our poorest of families are denied adequate housing, nutrition and health care. At the same time large wealthy corporations are allowed to employ these people with substandard pay. Yet, at the same time we have hundreds of billions of dollars to spend on military prowess, while the greedy and cold-hearted among us lament every time a billion is spent on our people’s well-being.
    Is now the time to stand up for goodness? If not now, when?

  5. Hi Karl, since I can’t submit something on behalf of someone else, I posted it elsewhere, people need to read this!!! Thank you for your thought-filled perspective.

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