History in Danger of Repeating Itself

I’m reading a book titled The Wakeful World, by Emma Restall Orr. This morning I read the following passage in a section examining various philosophical positions about the world and consciousness:

“In common with most of [Thomas Hobbes’] seventeenth century contemporaries, his thinking was influenced by the atrocities of the Thirty Years War in Europe, and the English Civil War with its ensuing shift from incompetent monarchist decadence to puritanical republican tyranny. That these conflicts were so unnecessary, provoked by the religious and monetary demands of the governing elite, made their tragedy even worse; tearing apart ordinary communities and families, destroying ancient loyalties, battles left starvation and madness in their wake.” (p. 77)

How strikingly parallel her description of 17th century Europe is to America’s current predicament and the behavior of our current “governing elite.” (It’s all the more striking since this was written in 2011 by an English woman.) How close we come to the same outcomes depends on how well we – the “ordinary communities and families” – stand against the “incompetent monarchist decadence” and “puritanical republican tyranny” we see in play now, to establish the reality of government by and for the people, which we’ve determined means all the people and not just the privileged few.

2 thoughts on “History in Danger of Repeating Itself”

  1. Dear Karl, Some old school friends made me look up some motivational authors and then I thought of you and looked you up. Then I read your life summary. Very interesting. You may remember me, the 41 year old engineer you mentioned in your book who had as his last past life being aborted by his aunt. BTW about twenty years later my aunt confessed to have had an abortion.
    Subsequently I have gone through many trails and tough times but also wonderful experiences with my own children and grandchildren. Survived esophageal cancer 21 years ago and am still fit and healthy today not taking any medication. Synchronicities have also occurred. I did not know about Jung’s 2005 revelations, will search it now. Just to let you know You played a part in my life and I think well of you. You opened up a channel in me to learn a bit more about what we think is behind the veil.
    Neither of us knew that we would live so long to still experience well call it WWIII. I wonder too what has happened to America and now even to the world. I like the saying: Global warming is the fever mother earth needs to get rid of the human virus. May be some other virus is helping earth a little more. A whole new stage of learning in our lives. It seems we are not quite done yet. Stay well and healthy for the final sprint. Klaus

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